Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello!!! How is my family? It has been great to hear from all of you. It's been a really big confidence booster and helps me keep goin'. Thank you for the Russian Shirt, AXE, Reeses, and everything else you've sent me! I bet you can't guess who spoke to us in last nights devotional...Russell M. Nelson! I can't believe it! Four Apostles in the time I've been here, I wonder who's next! It was great. Elder Nelson and his wife spoke to us about obedience. One thing that stood out to me that they said was, "Obedience brings blessings. Exact obedience brings miracles". I'm going to strive to be obedient to every rule whether I understand it or not. That's a principle that the older Elders really tried to get out there was "Just follow all the rules and it will all work out. You would have died if you had been here with me. I was writing a letter at my desk a couple days ago and a little rat/mouse baby came out to say hello. We made a box contraption to catch it, but it never came so we gave up. I just hope he's not creepin' on me while I'm sleepin'... Speaking of creepin, Mike, I like the shoes. That's really cool how you could do that, you'll have to show me when I get home. I'm SOOOOOOO SOOORRRYYYYY for not being able to get a birthday shout out to Shelly, could you let her know. Thanks for all your letters. Also, there is a rumor that some of us might get to go to Korea for our Visa trips, so that would be really cool. Good ol Gunnell's boy is goin' to Russia huh? Vladivostok is where one of my teachers, Brat Savage, went on his mission. So I forgot, about how long will Tanner be able to know where he's going? Did Sky View have graduation yet? Let "the gang" know that I say congratulations to all of them. I don't know who the seamtress is for CTR clothing, but she must have had a bad day or something when she was putting on all of our buttons. Elders with the same pants and suits as I have all have loose buttons, it's kinda frustrating, but it's not that big of a deal. It's crazy, I'll be teaching the Plan of Salvation lesson with a hint of lesson 4: word of wisdom today in 100 % Russian at the TRC. Everyone's prayers and the Lord's help has been such a strength to me in learning this language. Sometimes I just want to take the grammar book and chuck it out the window as hard as I can, but learning it has gotten a little better everyday. We have great teachers that really care about us. I don't know if I've told you, but we have a native Russian teacher, Sestra Kuznetsova. She is so kind and helps us so much in understanding everything. We are all very thankful for her and Brat Savage. We'll, I better get back to studying, I love you all! When you see Justin & John tell them I say hello. Thanks for everything!!! Love Elder Bennett

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