Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 8th, 2013 Yup, still in Oregon for the moment, which I'm fine with for now, a lot of stuff is building up and starting to happen to I definitely want to be a part of that. Don't want to set myself up for changing whats going to happen or anything. Elder Christensen is a stellar missionary, love 'em to death. I would totally feel fine with handing over "the reigns of the area" his way, he's totally ready for it and he's only 7 weeks out in the field. Conference was good, big focuses on the importance of teaching in the home, families, testimony, and obedience. I wonder if there is going to be like a major trial of all of our faith here pretty soon or something, even though there is stuff trying to get us everyday. I mean like an event that is just crazy. You asked where we watched it, we just watched it at home on our TV that we have.haha. just kiddin', we watched the first session at the Royers (senior couple that went to Russia, Novosibirsk) because the Stake Center satellite thing wasn't working, then we went to Brother Bradshaws to help him paint a little in his new part of his business during the break and watched the after-noon one there. After the Priesthood session, Bro.Bradshaw took us to Baskin Robbins for a cone of ice-cream, of course, Reeses. Kyla and the scorpion is a scary story, she'll be able to play in the den of the asps and the cocatrice soon enough, but for the current time, keep her away :) It was funny when President was calling to check on the leg and he started with, "Elder Bennett!! Ohh, how is the "softball" doing today?!" We've got a pretty legit group now, the Fellowship of La Grande has returned. We picked up two new investigators last night, which is always great. ? if you ever remember me talking about him, we went over there at about 7:45 or so and we were let in. He was playing his friend in NBA 2K13 and was VERY involved in that, but we were able to teach his girlfriend and daughter and get to know their backgrounds and beliefs. Our trips to Elgin have been fairly successful, we gave a BOM to a lady after contacting someone and she accepted and gave us her number and said we could teach her. ? and ?(both NM, been taught by the missionaries in the past) have a set apt. for this Wednesday and Bro.Hendrickson (WML in Elgin) is coming with us. Well we're going to go get our free weekly Subway and shop for some Ramen and whatever. Anywho have a wonderful week you guys! - Love Elder Bennett

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