Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 1st His letter was not published due to his experiences and privacy of the people but.... I have had alot of people wanting to know how Elder Bennett is, so here is the update. Saturday night he was standing behind the Toyota truck that the missionaries drive and there was also a car behind them., it is a mission rule that the one not driving stand behind and guide the driver into the parking place. The missionary at the wheel didn't stop and pinned Billy between the two vehicles.. He was taken to the hospital for an X ray, he has an injury to his leg, mainly the side of his knee, it was very painful, he has quite a bit of swelling , brusing, and a laceration that did not require stitches. They did not find a break. He is on crutches and we are praying that he recovers quickly and is able to get around without pain. It could have been so much worse. We are very blessed...Monica Jenkins Lindsay was in La Grande, Oregon on Sunday and saw him at church, she said he was on crutches and made his way up to the pulpit to bear his testimony....Bless his heart..We are counting our blessings.

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