Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013 It's never fun to basically be invited/kicked out to leave, we just had that the other day. This lady calls and tells us to go to this medical housing complex and give this non-member a blessing who requested one, so we did. When we got there, the sister of this woman did NOT want us there and told us to leave. Well the lady that referred us is like a friend and told us to keep pursuing it, but we determined that it would make things worse. It's too bad when people don't understand. My knee is doing much better, I'm to like no limp right now, just a scar from the abrasion and maybe a lil bit tiny swelling and pain. Give Gary my blessing with his problems. H & A attended all 3 hours of church yesterday!!! So happy with that, they said that baptism and the church is what they need in their lives right now and that we can help them prepare for baptism, so maybe here in the next little bit. Jeff2Horse gave us a tour of his little farm of animals. He also gave us some packs of eggs, Anywho, I guess we're going to go shopping here now sooooo I'm gonna go. To answer your question, La Grande would be in the Nampa mission. Effective as of July 1st, the June transfer determines where you'll be. Well have a WONDERFUL week! - Love Elder Bennett

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