Monday, April 22, 2013

April 15, 2013 Yeah, you're right, the Webbs stopping at the Stake Center on their way home to Washington was pretty cool, weird though, I'm sure all of you have had those sur-real moments when it just doesn't seem like it's been that much time that has past and the occurrences of events, etc. Inception-like stuff, too hard to understand. So an update with the once was "softball of a knee"... the swelling is getting better and the abrasion is clearing up, it's more of a scar and less of a scab now. My flexibility is still haltered, my knee can't bend in certain ways and there is still a little bit of pain when I walk a lot. There was the dangdest thing though on exchanges w/ Elder Rogers in Ontario, we were basically on the road the whole time, District Meeting was in Baker, everybody always gets a kick out of my stuff, I had conference trivia and Restoration sticky note game stuff it was fun, afterwards Elder Epperson did Baker Bob's Half-Gallon challenge in like 5:57, which is way good, like among the best, he puts food down like no one I really know, anywho, we drove to Ontario, then to Parma for an interview, then like back to nowhere Oregon, and back, and then in the morning to Baker and then to La Grande home. But that's not the point either, on exchanges I'm taking a shower and there was a little bit of water that had collected so I was going to finish the shower by just soaking my leg in it and rubbing the bruises down a little, but when I went to get up with my right hand, it slipped on the wet tub and my knee reacted and bent back in a weird way and I was like "Ohhhawwa" and Elder Rogers came to the door and shouted, "Hey, do you want any pancakes?!" and I was like, "Ohhh gosh, explained the situation and because of the tight, concentrated pain I felt like puking and no pancake at the moment. Pretty funny though whenever a bystander hears like a falling noise in the shower when it's a healthy person. Sister Phyu has been home for like a month and I got an email from her. The comp is a good driver. Egberts are good people. Hmmm interesting about the 21st thing with the other missionary coming home same day as me . WONDERFUL about the scholarship stuff and classes. I'm healing from a minor cold, I've had a few nasty coughs, probably not to the extent of Shelly's type but loud, and a few days ago the chills, glad I'm over that. We have been going over these directories with the Bishops and Relief Society Presidents of people that they themselves dont know, which is a good sign of attendance and participation because both have a crystal ball, and it has lead us to find a few new investigators. One of them being this guy that has like Staph in his right leg, anyway we had a lesson with him got to know him better and gave him a Finding Faith in Christ. He ASKED US if we were going to follow up with him and teach more, love to hear that. He called us and said he cried the whole time and would love for us to teach him more and he wants to come to church so we are looking forward to that. Well I gotta get going but it was great to hear from ya, love ya lots - Elder Bennett Oh, and a lady who I did service for and taught while we were in a Tri-panionship for a while who said she'd never get "dunked" was just baptized this Friday, so that's way awesome to see and be a part of, she asked me to say the opening prayer. Have a good one! :)

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