Monday, August 5, 2013

Mon, Aug 5, 2013 Edited version Congrats lil Jakie on being baptized, I'm glad I could participate and that I could be of service with the video. There was this guy we ran into while trying to contact someone else, he was a brother, and he was preparing for a divorce and we tried to give him some comfort but he was saying that if we read a scripture he wouldn't remember it because he was drunk, etc. so I left one for him to read. Well, never thought I'd see him again really, after I bore my testimony in one of the wards and we walked out in the hall to go to the other building I hear my name and it was the guy we talked to. It was way awesome to see him come to church, sometimes before the Lord will lead us to new people, we've got to administer to the less-actives and the people who are there already. While we were doing some more contacting, oh man, we ran into this family, SUPER Golden, we had a return apt. and they were way excited to meet again. Now, we think they'll probably go to the Spanish branch, but they were saying before that they wanted to go to English, sooooo there goes another one to some other missionaries, we're givin out people everyday it seems like this transfer. We went to MLC and there have been a few changes that some people aren't thrilled with, but they are in reality not bad at all. The Hansen's have been having their family renunion so we had to leave for like a week. We're living with Elder Kennedy (White House) and Elder Pyper right now, we love those guys, some of my best friends ever, it's been great. We gave our investigator a blessing (fellowshipper did it) to stop smoking and afterwards he was like, "Woah, is baptism this powerful?" so it's looking up. We were on our way to the temple from Rupert and Blum was driving but Johnson sarcastically told him to take this one exit that was the wrong one and he did it and it was a wild goose chase out to Declo on the Pocatallo exit and it took forever to get back on the right road. We saw this other less-active who is struggling to make ends meet, just went through a divorce and while we were visiting with him, this big strong guy, he just broke down and said how great it was for someone to just listen to him, it was way spiritual, glad we were able to locate him. Had some good splits with Bro. Smith, it turned out to be his last time, we got a new WML in that ward Bro.Winmill. Everyone LOVED Zone Meeting, it's the best one that I've ever done. We had awards after, I'll have to attach the paper in the email. We haven't had anybody sign for dinner for this week so we had this microwaveable chicken in the church kitchen. Well, thank you for the updates and the package that I"m going to go pick up today, love you all so much! - Love Elder Bennett

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