Monday, August 5, 2013

July 29, 2013 Edited version Woooooooooooooooow, I thought that Jake's Baptism was this past Saturday, like 2 days ago, I was in all in a ruffle not thinking the video was not going to get there on time and that your chastisement would have fallen upon me and my posterity. Yeah, I felt like the video turned out pretty well. There's someone here that knows Kelli Jorgensen way well, last name Hawkes. Yes, I did that Zone Vision, my companions have been commenting on my nack for creativeness. They do celebrate the 24th Celebration here, in fact, we had a huge one @ the Bishop of the Star 2nd ward's Pond, tons of space with a Zip-line, water-slide, rope swings, fields, pavilions, etc. it's pretty impressive. Commentary on Tanner's post, I wrote in a sassy time of the day, I got to do two baptisms in the last little bit here.One was a way funny like Phillipino kid and the other was from New York and he was like so spiritual and was able to socialize so well. We went to see this lady who nobody like even knows about and at first she just peeked her head out but wouldn't come all the way out, but after we started talking to her more she came outside and we had a conversation with her. She lost her job, was running out of medication, sad story, after we talked for awhile I asked if we could have a prayer and she wanted me to say it and afterwards we looked and she had tears rolling down her face, she felt the Spirit and she felt loved. It was a way good experience for all of us, namely her and Bro.M he brought it up in a Ward Council and he got choked up and said that this drop-by made the whole night worth it, all the rest of our appointments weren't there or cancelled. That's the cool thing about a mission, you get to see stuff like that all the time.So I was sleep-talking and Blum told me that I was saying all this stuff about calling people and also "There are some Skeptisms about exchange forms, Porras (Elder Porras AP, love 'im) and other churches", huh, interesting stuff to say, he even asked me if I knew what I was saying and I replied confidently, "Yeah" and then went back to sleep. We were able to convince this one district in our announcements that we couldn't wear blue for the month of August because of Gang Activity in the area and that was their specific color. Each time we have "announcements" in a District Meeting we always give the right ones, but slip a fake one in as well. With that Dance Festival here there were people from all countries the Koreans were at our place for breakfast and Sister Lee from Korea was able to converse and probably curse us with them in her native tongue. We spoke in sacrament. It went well. Someone broke into Morey's Steakhouse restaurant and tried to steal stuff and he had a prompting to go and check on it at 4 in the morning with his wife and the guy was still there, CRAZY stuff. Yes, we had the baptism was on Sat, it was great for me to be able to perform that. In the box I sent home, the marble piece is a piece of the Boise Temple (marble) that a member gave us Pencil box is from Russia, wanted to keep it for memory sake About 80% of all of your letters is about all of you complaining about tumble weeds So at this last week's P-day activity we had a ton of people there and it was in Twin at this park in Shosone. Well, we're heading out, so I'll explain more as time goes on. Have a lovely week Love you all, Peace n Blessins' - Love Elder Bennett

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