Monday, August 5, 2013

July 22, 201 Edited version Went to Declo for a District Meeting, afterwards we like got to make our own hamburgers and shakes, it was fun, We gave M a tour of the church with her friend, this family took us out to eat at this restaurant called the Canton. One of our WMLs is a cop. The Sisters were freaking out because there phone wouldn't work,we took out the battery and put it back in and it works just fine now We have a hook up of Dairy Queen once a week, I tried their chicken strips and they were nasty. At a DM afterwards we played Gospel Trivia and if you didn't fool the majority you had to eat a bean, I didn't have to eat one luckily, We have a WML who used to be in a band and such and has this room upstairs, he lives in like a Gentleman's Fellowship Hall thing, it's awesome, anywho, upstairs he has all this equipment, one of them being an electronic drum-set that's hooked into his bass system, so he played the guitar and I did drums. They have this little electric moped and I rode on it for a sec So in this area with schedules and everything we are able to attend all 4 sacrament meetings and we have Ward Councils in the morning, turns out to be a LONG day, we are teaching someone there that was a WM who was impressed (not sure why) and said, "Ohhh if you keep teaching like that, we gotta have you stay until November". I had a Family convinced that I was a Russian spy . I guessed their marriage date right (sign above the sink) (talking about their kids proposals) 2. Guessed his blood-type (by chance) 3. I said, "There is someone that's going to walk in the back-door in 5 4 3 2 1, and someone did, family coming over (saw their reflection in the big clock) they were super freaked out and thought it was funny, last teaching apt. with M :( handed her over to the Sisters We ran the school track with the Sisters and the Spanish Elders for a morning workout, Elder Kennedy is pretty legit at bowling, like your scores for WII bowling, we played Elder Blomquist's favorite sport: Ultimate Frisbee, he wants to take it to the Olympic level. Some Elders loved my impressions of Super Smash Brothers characters while we played B-ball, Wendy's =stale nuggets, an older lady came to us and bought us gift cards. This lady in the ward cuts hair and shaved Elder Blomquist's "caterpillar" uni-brow. We showed the kids magic tricks and played spoons, I taught how Joseph in Genesis was able to prophesy while the magicians and sorcerers were not able to, turned out to be a good spritual thought. We met this nice German guy, part member family so potential, we had shishkabobs for dinner, I had a cow-tail candy for the first time, it was decent, the Korean kids that the Hansens played ping-pong with us and figured out our card tricks mathematically We are teaching a guy,D, he has a bapt. date for the 3rd of August. Talk to ya next week Love Elder Bennett

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