Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013 So, while I was in Caldwell for the Leadership Meeting, we broke out into companionships and I was with Elder Beard for the day. So technically I was serving in Nampa for 24 hours. While there, we had a lot of great visits and drop-ins that we were able to set up future follow up and visits. The last stop of the night was an interesting one though. We went to a home and had what you might call a mini debate of Religion. He is a nice guy and has a sense of humor so it wasn't a hostile conversation, it ended up a somewhat good note, and I heavily challenged him to read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and he agreed to do it and asked when we were coming back. You've got to be bold and testify of what you believe, if you notice in the Bible Videos on Jesus lays down the law and doesn't let up when it comes to testifying of truth. It's been awesome to read from the atonement packet that we received from President Cannon. It's a challenge to read it before Easter and I learn so much every time I open it up. On Tuesday the Youth asked us to come and speak on the Atonement for about 20 mins. or so to all of the YM and YW. Check this out sometime... The Atonement is 3 parts, when I was growing up and sometime said it, I only really thought about the Garden, but it involves the Crucifixion and Resurrection to complete it. I was also under the impression that the Atonement was only for sin and sufferings that we go through, but not the case as well, there are a plethora of things that it contains. Something that I learned today.... So often people say that the Jews/Romans killed Jesus, that might be true to a certain point, but not really. No one could take the life of Christ but Himself. He offered His life willing, "Father, into Thy hands I commend My Spirit". A man can't possibly kill the Son of God (Remember when Judas betrays Him and Peter cuts off that guards ear off and the Savior says to stop and reminds Him that if He really needed to, He could have 12 legions of angels come and like kill everybody), he gave His life as a ransom for many and He took it up again on the third day. So there ya go, spiritual thought of the day, commitment = watch the Bible video of His last week, named the "Final Days"... will you do that? I promise that you will love it. see giving commitments is easy. The transfer is only 5 weeks this time because of the whole influx of new missionaries and the shortening of MTC and Mission time by one week. So it's going to be the last week of March. You expect me to audibly/write where I would like to go, heck no, that just puts you in a position to have the opposite happen to you, I don't know exactly what is going to happen this time around, never do. Good to hear that Chalms is doing good, he's a good kid, it'll be fun to see him again. We made our way out to "Pumpkin Ridge" wherever the heck that is, I'm still confused how we even got to that place. Our WML over Elgin lives there and so does a potential investigator, it's like the Journey to the Center of the Earth or something. He showed us some awesome cars, like 1930 on luxury cars that he restores and sells. There was one that was bought and sent to Germany that got him a Million dollars, no joke, some of them there is like only 400 or so that were created, so he enjoys doing that... Had two amazing experiences this week where investigators tried to cancel 10 minutes before (fear,doubt/Satan) and we persisted and had some of the most spiritual lessons I've had in awhile. Both were actually on our way to La Grande from Elgin. Also a 16 year old boy wants to be in the YM and go to the activities. We did have a referral that we received from a member, and went and contacted her this week, it was a bomb lesson (good type of bomb). We taught the blessings of having the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation , a member went with us. He bore solid testimony and really helped the cause. She wants her daughter to really get involved in the YW. I felt like that Ty Pennington guy (have no idea how I can still remember that) on Saturday when we were putting sheet rock on Brother Bradshaw's ceiling of his additional rooms that he is adding to the Potter's Shack. Between this project and building that shed with Bob, I like know how to build my own house, I'll just build one across the street past the sidewalk in front of the house, just a one bedroom and one bathroom gig for meditation :) On Saturday we also had to fill the baptismal font, it was pretty steamy (like a little less than Jacuzzi) according to the people that went in it, thats how it always is though, and I said, "Well, now you know what it feels like to be "Baptized by Fire" ", they got a kick out of that. We had this missionary fireside in Baker City with the other Elders yesterday, my topic was on the blessings of my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. I shared my thoughts, scriptures, the summary in True to the Faith on pg.117 and showed a clip called, "We're still a family", one more to check out. Well, that's about it for this week. Have a great week :) - Love Elder Bennett

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