Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 4,2013 I was a witness for the baptism though and was invited to the little social gathering afterwards as well which was fun. Elder Lehmuller had to baptize her twice though, he forgot to say her last name, probably because she has two middle names, and dunked her and they went into their changing rooms and a lady in the crowd and a few others (LOT of people there, including her non-member mom and friends) said that he forgot her last name, and we were like "Ah yeah, you're right, we gotta do that again" so I, in the moment not realizing it, almost ran into the room where she went with my hand on the door handle and realized what I was doing and said, "AGHhhh, I caaaaan't go in there" and some of the women such as her mom got a pretty good kick out of that. So when all was said and done, it was a great program. A lot of non-members had questions for us at the get-to-gether and have become new investigators for the other Elders, because, as I tried to explain, they are in their area.... "J" was baptized as well, It was way cool, he chose me to give a talk on the Holy Ghost and I was the only full-time missionary to participate in that one, so It tells me that we have made a pretty good friendship, he'll be like a Stake President in China one day, just you wait and see..P-day We mainly just played Basketball with some Priest-age young men and went shopping. At out appointment, Elder John and Travis taught the investigators future mother-in-law the 1st lesson and she became a new investigator so we are excited about that as well as another one we picked up. A member took us to Taco place Thursday at La Fiesta on Thursday, pretty cool, you can order up to 9 tacos and they are only a dollar each. We ate with a couple , she is getting much closer to baptism, she's attended Gospel Principles and Sacrament which is great. We have a new ward mission leader in Elgin, Brother Hendrickson. The 4 of us hooligans had breakfast at a members house the other day in the other Elders area by our house (we don't live in our teaching area), it was fun, we had waffles like at IHOP or something with a lot of toppings. Sunday was a "Pot of Luck" at the church with like 5 people in attendance. It was "Tough in the Streets" (common missionary lingo) yesterday Contacting some Potentials and Formers, not a lot answered and if they did, they belonged to a different church . One lady who was from another Church said that she wants nothing to do with us after I told her that we were Christians as well, I went on to say, "We believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and atoned for our sins, etc. so we could be together as a family forever, what's wrong with that?" She went on to say she had a Book of Mormon and read a little and doesn't want ANY of it in her home and sent us off. There's that momentarily comes of feeling like "dusting your feet" (if you read the New Testament, Jesus told the Apostles to "dust off their feet" if there were none in the city to receive them. We were heading back to the truck on this street and it was pretty dark, like 7:40ish and there was this humanly figure, kind of like that gremlin, (weird night, like the one we had in Disneyland that one night, creepy girl silouettes in the window staring at us with a street light flickering, ahhhh I can't even think of it, way creepy night though) walking their dog and I said, "How are you sir?" it replied, "Well I'm a mam, and I'm doing fine" phmmmm, I had to hold it in, looked like a male gremlin, I was mistaken, and I said, "Ohhhh, sooo sorry, I can barely even see ya" they laughed, but I quickly changed the subject and asked about this freak light snow flurry that was currently happening... Well there ya go, Have a wonderful week not filled with Sloppy Joes, Dr. Pepper, or Spinach Brownies or whatever you made, -Love Elder Bennett :)

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