Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 11, 2013 Kujo and Chopper Had a pretty interesting week when it comes to furry creatures that people allow to have within the perimeters of their dwelling. Yesterday while we were contacting this list of people who previously "lived" in the ward boundaries who basically "fell off of the face of the earth" and had either moved, been abducted, gave a fake address, etc., there was this one house and it was probably 8 or so, so even with the time change moving forward another hour for light whatever, and I hear Elder John say, "Elder! Look at that!" I had no idea what he was talking about, then a couple seconds later, this bear-sized shape of fur emerged from these two parked cars in this little car part and it was either Kujo or Beetoven from "H" and it like roared like a lion and started charging at me and like chased me down half a block, unintentionally went different ways and it was like the saying, "Every man for himself" at least this way one of us would have survived I suppose. It slowed down and started returning after the owner screamed at it to come back. Scared us, ahhhhh man, gets my heart going just imaging that behemoth creature and makes me wonder how someone could contain something like that in their house. It's like the Avengers when the Hulk freaks out on the airplane thing and like takes out half of it, you just can't control something that big. Chopper is a small version of a demon which becomes friends on his terms. We made our once a month trip to Enterprise the other day and this time we stayed with Bishop Hipple. He is soooo awesome, along with Sister Hipple. He is like a Business Consultant of sorts (he told me that's like a title for taxes, but much more) and he gave me some pretty good tips for the future. When we got there, there was a long haired chiuaua that he picked up and tucked under his arm like a football, I petted him and he like snarled and bit me. He's like one of those dogs that you have to spend time with. Happy to say that by the end of the trip that me and him were good buddies, he'd come and snuggle by me. When Brother Baxter (aka Kirby Hayborn) came by to pick us up to go and work with him for the day, it came by his foot and he made a sudden movement and it started freaking out and since he had bad experience with dogs on his mission in Brazil he like almost fell down the stairs backing up from it, and he was like "I'm done, goin downstairs" pretty funny to have been there. His brother just got called to the Rostov, Russia mission while we were there. The more tropical part of Russia by Ukraine and the Black Sea, there were a few Elders I knew in the MTC that went there. We had a productive visit to Enterprise though, lot of non-members that we met, some we taught, and some came to church and want to become members so yeahhh, pretty cool. We also spoke in Sacrament with Brother Baxter and it was referred to as a "Power-House Meeting", people enjoyed the talks and it was good to meet more people. Oh also, we're introducing this 21 day promise/challenge to the various wards to get them excited about missionary work, yall should give it a try, I'm sure that you could find a version of it online... That's good that you are finally able to admit you have a game addiction. Donkey Kong, that dang Publishers clearing house wheel in the mornings, Mario, Zuma (frog game), and now this. How do you expect to tell us now not to play games if you are in this hopeless state of being? This last week we made trips to Boise, Ontario for Trainers Meeting and Zone Meeting and this week I have a Leadership Meeting in Caldwell. I'm gonna take a road trip by the way when I return home to Razos as well as Twin and Meridian and whatever other areas I serve in. Give Sue my regards in ol China, tell her to prepare some ground work with her Daughter of the Pioneer spirit so we can help convert the place. The Cannons are a tremendous pair, I love them to pieces, make sure that all the kids are there so they can see how cute they are. Well, we gotta get goin, have a wonderful day filled with bliss and Reeses, buh byyyyyyyeeee Love Elder Bennett

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