Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012 1:28 PM One of the nicest, most spiritual ladies that I know, is being baptized on the 13th as well as the Hadlock kids ranging from ages 8-10.we are excited for this upcoming Saturday, it's going to be a busy one for sure. Oh some good news for you. You said that it was probably about time for me to send the camera card, I sent it out this morning, so hopefully you get it soon. There are some pretty funny videos on there and quite a few pictures, so enjoy. Let the kids know I love 'em and that I enjoyed those paintings/pictures that they sent me a little while ago. I hope they have a Happy Halloween and enjoy wearing their Pokemon costumes. Sangio Sub: I was on exchanges with Elder Sangio (Samoan name), our District Leader, on Tuesday. He's a great Elder and so kind, I imagine him as being a seminary teacher or something when he's older. They have a pretty nice set-up where they live, a separate entrance, own kitchen, and bigger bed-room and study room, but, it doesn't really compare to having Bob, I love that cat, he always like to come in and chill with me on my bed or when I'm getting a drink in the kitchen. We had Subway for dinner, it's been awhile, I love that place, they have amazing cookies. There's this girl that we taught and she is going to be baptized soon. Goes to show that you can plant a seed or have an influence in someone's coming into the fold even if you don't serve in that particular area. I felt like I "planted a lot of seeds" in Russia, but didn't really get to see the harvest, it was tough and really gets you down. But you have to have faith that every soul is great in the sight of God and that there is no effort wasted. I totally feel like I had a purpose there and that it prepared me for now and now makes me more appreciate the success that we've been having in this mission. . Jack-in-the-Box Churros: Way good, I had those and one of their breakfast sandwiches after the Bishop Store House Drive and right before our Zone Meeting that is presented and organized by our Zone Leaders. Conference: Not a lot new to you guys for the last two days, because you were doing the same thing as me. Loved Conference though, so many amazing talks. I always love President Monson's and President Utchdorf's addresses that they give. I'm pretty sure that President Gibbon's dad gave the closing prayer, tell me if I'm wrong. He just got released from the 70. So a couple other things before I head out. The 2012 Corolla in Red is a popular mission car, it always reminds me of our "Friday Field Trip Days" when I see one, I've even had to ride in one which is more weird for me to see an Elder driving it and not you. I love our Subi though, it handles so well and can turn on a dime. A car that I might get later, that or a Prius to save gas, and of course Midgie if she works by the time I get back. About Mike, an important factor is if he feels prepared. There are missionaries here that are 19-27, so it's quite a gap. If he is not quite ready at 18 then he can wait a little bit and I'll help prepare him for missionary life, we can sort of serve a mini-mission together if he wants for like a week or something. I didn't see that Holland Conference thing but it sounds cool, Ty and Jake will be going to China I bet. Wow Taylor getting married! That's way weird to me, tell him congrats from the his ol Ruski brutha from anutha mutha. That was a good quote by the way, it could be tied with the "Plan of Salvation". Well I love you all to pieces, peace n blessins, let Sarah, Justin H., Justin T., Papa, Mike, for sending mail, I'll try and get back to them as soon as I can. Tell John Mayhew that I saw him in Dollar Tree today at the check-out. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEE - Elder Bennett

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