Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012 3:23 PM Wayyyyy condensed version this week Well it's official. Transfer calls came through and President said, "Elder Bennett, you will be staying in Twin Falls South 1 and you will be training a new missionary, Elder Reed, you will be serving in Boise East 2 with Elder Vanzaling (Elder Hardy's previous comp., in one of the pictures. LOT of responsibility comin' my way. So, plans are that we are going to the Transfer Spot at 1:35 and head to Boise where I'll be staying for a couple days with missionaries that serve there. There is a training meeting at 5:30 today so I'm lookin' forward to that to find out more. Apparently we go out and do some contacting with the new missionaries, eat, and have some training/preliminary meetings before we head back home Wednesday sometime. The five baptisms went through but it was slightly a fiasco and like National Lampoons Baptism for awhile. The water-heater ignitor thing was not working so the water was freezing cold! One sister kept coming up and was cold so someone suggested that there be a "spotter" that goes in the water and helps her back up and makes her feel secure. I went in the bathroom threw off my stuff and was "skipper", the Bishop said, "Well that was fast!" and on that time it was full-immersion so it turned out good. She is such a great lady and the Spirit is so strong with her. With the difficulties that we had with the water we tried to prepare ourselves for the one with the four kids that was going to be less than an hour away, so we got those big church garbages (empty) from the kitchen and went with a member of the Bishopric to go get hot water from his house and come to dump it in and raise the temperature a little bit. Well, by the time we got back, somebody unplugged the drain so the water level dropped and the whole effort was basically wasted. It was good though and there was a lot of wet eyes when the mom bore her testimony of adopting these four kids. Wonderful night though, even with all of the hooplah that ALWAYS happens with any big event. That was a Ukelele that you saw. Elder Reed bought it from some other missionary. We use it for baptisms and he plays the "I Know When I am Baptized" song and we both sing it. So, we ate Coconut Breaded Trout last night, uhhhhh, sooooo goooooood, and the brother who fed us has been taking Martial Arts for years and taught us a ton of tips/stuff that he's learned, he's way good, like Liam Neeson good. We don't have a Mazda, its a Subaru Impreza, and it's a lovely car, waaaay nice handling. Missionaries do Weekly Planning which takes 2 hours or so usually at the church for a more official and less distracting environment, you get more done. Brother Gardunia, my Ward Mission Leader who's married to the Salisbury, txtd me and said that he was in Newton yesterday. Jessica Jenkins is a way talented writer and has a way of expressing her feelings, I appreciated her remarks.Thanks for sending that it was a great help to me. It's not that cold here, it's now suit-coat season. Well love you guys, have a spectacular week!!! Elder Bennett

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