Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alex Bennett Monday, October 1, 2012 5:02 PM Well, another week has "flown" by as you have said. They all just seem to mesh together, it drives me nuts when I can't remember what even happened the day before for example because things are just so busy. An investigator that we have, called us up and asked us what she needed to do to be baptized. This is way cool because she has been investigating and attending church for like two years and is finally ready to become a member. We went on splits with one of the wards and I went with this guy in the bishopric who served in Seoul and the guy that we visited was married to a Chinese lady who went to like all major parts of Asia. So it was like a waaaay Oriental day for me, and I'd dare say that I ate Ramen that night as well, so even more so. A different day of splits (well they call them "splits" all the time regardless of whether we actually split ways, but we just had a third male on this night) and I took the Area Book with me so that we could contact former investigators or potentials if our appointments fell through, which they did, so it was very useful. We went to District Meeting and everyone except for us was late so I made the coolest set up of tables and chairs, it looked like a council that would happen in like Star Wars or something. We had dinner at a home. This beef stuff, fried lamb, rice, and these grain balls. Gave another talk in Sacrament yesterday. People who complain at having to prepare a talk given week's notice shouldn't, because we have had to with like a day's. It went way good though, mine was on Personal Revelation and how we can receive it for this upcoming General Conference. Today I got up did some of my laundry, ate a Brown-Sugar Cinnamon Pop-tart, we played soccer at this park with like 20 or so missionaries and then went to McDonalds for lunch. We then went to the D.I. to find some good deals. I found a cool dollar tie and a sweet Brazilian Jersey for Justin T. Yeah I have no idea what's in store for transfers either, I've been wrong twice on my guesses for the last ones. Alright, we'll talk to ya next week, peace n blessins. - Love Elder Bennett

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