Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Baby Pigeons.....
Alex Bennett (abennett@myldsmail.net)


Tue, 09 Aug 2011 21:51:13

Has anyone ever seen a baby pigeon?! There are soooo many pigeons here and i have no idea of their origin or where they come from?! Do they just fall out of the sky as adults or... i have no idea, but anywho... (sounds like something that would be argued on Seinfeld or something) How is everyone?! Let John know that I'm proud of him for becoming Hussain Bolt, that's cool that he's gonna be in a marathon. He can never beat me in a race on my home-court track aka the Newton Dam Run though... :) He told me that you went in a ride in the GTI and that you probably didn't like it, ahhh i remember those fun times in the VW, the bus drivers here drive a little crazier though.. So it's sorta like de ja vu to riding with him :) Jk. You mentioned Scipio, ughh that was the worst part of the ride to St. G from what I can remember.. Oh, the other day we went and did some service for михайл. We helped him dig a trench behind his house. He's got a cool trench system thing going and it was great to be able to go and help him out. To thank us, he gave us some treats. Also they gave us carrots and squash. I grilled some of it up yesterday and we had an awesome lunch. It reminded me of when you would grill up the squash and how delicious it was, mine wasn't as tasty, but it held it's own. Speaking of vegetables, we were contacting on Sunday, and these babushka (grandmas) were trying to get us to buy some potatoes. We told them that it's the Sabbath and that we aren't able to buy things on Sunday because its a commandment. The one kept on trying to sell them saying they wouldn't be as good the next day, but the one sitting next to her was trying to get to her stop because she really respected our decision. Elder Peterson said its the first time that he's seen a babushka respect him for that, so it was pretty cool. Last P-day we went to a little Cafe place and ate. I had a pork pie thing and some blini, it was delicious!! The cafe was called Klauses. I also bought a ToMb soccer team jersey, it looks way cool and it fits just great! Fun fact: I have had 3 mission presidents in less than 2 transfers, not too many people are able to say that. President Gibbons is now the mission president and we get to meet him in a week or so. Elder Davis came last week, he's an awesome Elder. For the English Club story yesterday, he started out with saying that he came from a really small town where the people would make gifts for each other. He then went on to how he was bigger than everyone else and that his bed was too small for him, and so he decided to leave and go find his real father in New york, etc. etc. He told it much better than I just attempted to, but we were able to tell that it was the plot from "Elf" the Christmas movie with Will Ferrell. It was pretty clever how he told it like it was him though, it was really funny. Really good news, we have 2 new investigators this week and are expecting a 3rd! Finding new people to teach has been a struggle right now for all of us so we've done a lot of street contacting. There was a man on the street that I had a really strong impression to talk to. He said that he would be interested in strengthening his faith in Jesus Christ, and he let us set up a meeting with him! It was so awesome, his name is сергей and we have this meeting with him a little later today. We also had a 1st meeting with влад the other day where we talked about The Plan of Salvation. He seemed to receive it really well and he agreed to come to church and meet with us again. He's a really smart kid and is getting excited about the gospel. Things are really looking up! I really have a testimony of the power of prayer. Our Heavenly Father is always there ready to listen to us and he wants to help us and give us strength. There are a lot of people here that recite and read prayers. But we know that God is our literal father and he wants to hear about our lives and have our prayers be personal. If you went to your dad everyday and told him the same thing over and over, how would he know how to help or how things are? Prayers are meant to be personal and sincere, not citations. Our prayers also lead to action. For example, we have asked for help to find and teach new investigators. This means that we can't keep are heads down on the street and not talk to anyone and expect to receive these blessings. We have to do our part. It's so awesome to see how much the Lord and Heavenly Father are willing to give if we just ask........... I’m looking for a card reader today when we have some free time so hopefully I’ll be able to get some pics on by next email. Don't worry I’ve taken a ton of good ones. Well anywho, have a wonderful week, remind people that they can send me emails and I’ll just take pics of them so i can read them. I love you all! Enjoy the nice summer heat! - Love Elder Bennett :) :) :)

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