Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Alex Bennett
TO: ◦ vicki bennett

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:16 PM

If you can all remember the movie "UP" there's that dog that goes crazy whenever he sees a squirrel. I saw like 10000 the other day at this veteran memorial/ park place. We were waiting at the bus stop for михайл's wife to take a group of us to go do some service (filling up the trenches that we dug). We also did some more wood chopping for some service this week as well. Good contacting week, just yesterday, i stopped a man and simply said to him, "Hey we are missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, would you like to hear more about our church." And he said, "Well, yeah, let me give you my number so you can write it down." It was so cool! Another awesome contact that we had was last P-day after Branch Council. There was a college-age looking man on the street and I asked him if he would be interested in coming to our Free English club that we have, and he responded with a very proper English/British accent "Well, hello gentleman, as a matter of fact, the English language happens to be my, well, cup of tea you could say.." and he said more, but we were just shocked at how well he spoke English. I called him a day or two later and he said he would like to meet with us on Sunday. New investigator! So we met and talked about the message of the Restoration, he knew some parts of it and it was an awesome meeting. We gave him a Book of Mormon and a книга мормона so he could read them back and forth if he wanted to in order to help him with learning English. At first he looked like he wasn't going to take them, but he was flipping through the pages and saw that I wrote my testimony on one of the first pages and he was like, "Ohhh, ahh, well thank you, I'll take them, thanks". We had another meeting with an investigator and we had a member present with us. The meeting went great, we emphasized the importance of having Faith in Christ and then acting on that faith. Had family night at Olga's, if you got the pictures, i'm with her and her two kids in the pic. They are awesome! I love em to death. The kids are hilarious and she is one of the best members of the church that i have ever met. We made little sugar-dough things that were really tasty and a potato and vegetable dish. We had a spiritual thought and played some UNO together, really fun night. English club has been going great, for yesterdays lesson plan i had the idea of a plane crash stranded on an abandoned island scenario where Elder Peterson and I only had one spot left on our life-boat and everyone had to randomly choose a sticky note that had the name of an item that they had to try and persuade us was the best to bring such as first aid kit, flashlight, pocket knife, telescope, sunglasses and hat, etc. and that person was saved. There were some pretty good answers and it was fun to see everyone really involved in it. One of the weeks we talked about sports, excercise, etc. and I did the crane into handstand pose, a few people clapped and were really impressed. To sum it up, things are fantastic, the weather is starting to get a little colder and it rains sometimes, but its not too bad. Mike, thanks for the letter that you sent. It sounds like you had a really good time at trek and a good summer. I can't believe you are starting school again! Crazy, this is the big leagues now, high school, it will be a ton of fun. A very important thing that you have to do is make sure that you have good friends though, dont do anything stupid! If you could let Justin H. know thanks for helping me out with the American Express and always being so helpful and for his email. Also let Erika know that i'm thankful for her email too. Hope you got the pics, that's why the letter is a little shorter than usual, but now that i know how to do it faster, it will be better for next week. I love you all so much! Thank you for the support, you don't know how much it helps me, it is really a strength to me and keeps me going. Thank you to all, and to all a good night! Talk to ya next week! - Love Elder Bennett

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