Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 11:18 PM
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The sequel to "Snakes on a Plane"... "River in a Bus".... Let me explain.. It was Elder Anderson's Birthday last week, so after emailing we went as a zone to get some ice-cream and go on a hike. Both were great and it was really fun to get the woodsy feel of Russia. The end of the hike brought us to a lake and it was just a good time. But the weather started getting sketchy so were started to head back really fast. Elder Peterson and I had a meeting with a member that we were going to go to, so we caught a bus. We were really lucky to get on it when we did. The minute after we were on the bus there was like a flash flood and the whole street was just a river. Cars were stuck, it was up to peoples waists, and it was so high that it was even coming in the bus a little bit. And I'm so mad because my camera was low on charge so it died and I didn't get a picture or video of it! I'll have to get some from Elder P. But it happens a lot here, so maybe I'll get some good footage some other time. Other crazy news, I can't believe it's already time for transfers! Time is very tricky. What was the MTC! Really, it seems like I never even went, but it also seems like it was just yesterday,I don't know, time just doesn't exist for the two years on your mission. We have a new greenie coming into our area from the MTC and one missionary just coming from a different area of the mission. Saturday was great! I experienced my first round of Training and met the mission president and got to see the APs again. Elder Eborn says that you and his mom talk to each other and we got a picture together that I think he's going to send in his email, so look for that. President Rolfe and his wife are awesome! We all learned a ton from them and just to sum it all up, it was really helpful. It will be interesting though because Gibbons is going to be the President soon. So, we'll all have to go through the meeting our mission president process again and more training. Oh yeah, they brought my packages, pictures, and mail with them... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! Oh it was great to be able to get something! Nothing to cheer ya up like some Reeses Pieces (and a ton of other candy) and some letters and pics from the fam. Tell Justin I love 'em, those chapters from that book are great and so are his letters. I wish I could sit and chat with him, it sounds like a lot is happening at his work and with the kids, oh i miss 'em! Let Justin Hutchinson know that I really appreciate the letters that he sent me and his support it's really helped me out and let him know.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM RUSSIA! Also, we might go out and each of us get a jersey today so if he sees a withdrawl that is why. And tell John Mayhew I wanna hear how he's doing too. I've started taking pictures of the emails i get so i can just read them from the camera when we have a second. What other things are happening in the world? That stuff is always really interesting, so don't forget to throw in a couple current events or things like that in your emails :) Ok, so back to the week. We had our last hot shower this morning. The hot water will be turned off for 2 weeks :( The soccer match was really cool, the best part was close to the end of the game. There was an ambulance truck that was driving at a pretty slow speed on the outside of the field and the driver totally wasn't paying attention and drove into a gap thing about 3 feet or so deep. The passenger got out of the truck, looked at the situation, grabbed his clipboard, and put his head down and just walked away. The driver wouldn't even get out of the truck he was so embarrased. I don't know you just would have had to been there i guess, but it was pretty funny because everybody sort of saw it coming except for the driver. :) When we got back to the apartment, there was a fire truck and a ton of smoke in the air, I was really nervous i thought the place burnt down, but no, it was just the potato cellar on the other side of our little driveway thing. We had apartment checks, the office couple was really impressed at how clean it was. After English club yesterday, I was talking to a college age kid that said he needed a good book to read. I gave him a Knega Mormona and explained that it would be really good practice. He wants to learn more English so I'll see if i can get a hold on one in English so he could translate back and forth. He just couldn't wrap his mind around why we come on missions for two years and dont get paid for it. So he's interested and maybe there's some potential we'll have to see.
Well thanks for everything, the care package i got was such a booster for me, thanks! I love you all soooooooooo much!!!!!!!! I'm running out of time, so i guess this is good bye until next time! - Love Elder Bennett

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