Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 8th 2011 11:25 am
Flight Plans this Week!
Thanks for the picture of the baby, she's really cute, let Tim and Lindsey know that I'm proud of them. I'd like to start off by saying it is unbelievable that we leave in 12 days!!! I also can't believe that it's summer time right now, you look at summer WAYYYY differently when you're in the MTC. Let Clair and Jake know that I sometimes miss moving pipe, believe it or not :) Thank you for the Reeses and mints, it's always great to get a package. Oh, I started using the Gillette Pro-glide just recently, because the electric wasn't cutting as close, and its been fantastic. I'm glad I brought it with me, it has this swivel blade and just throws out a good shave. Well you probably don't care about that as much as everything else going on here though. Elder Krushinsky's surgery went really well, he's healing right up. We woke up at 5:00 Friday morning to get ready and then go meet our driver. He took us to the Utah Valley surgery place where we got checked in and everything, and then Elder Krushinsky's mom came. He said it was really weird to see his mom, but he was happy to see her. I don't know if I could handle that, calling you all is one thing, but if I saw anybody in person, it would be really hard to not freak out. It was about 12:20 in the afternoon when we left because it took awhile for him to wake up from the anesthesia and get back to normal. But things are going great and he has a final checkup on the 15th before we before we leave to remove the stitches and take of the wrapping. My teacher said he saw Kung Fu Panda 2 and loved it. Have any of you seen it? I'm sure that the kids would love to see that one. So I was just curious, does Dixie offer any Russian classes? I just want to keep up with the language when I get home. Tell Tanner Congratulations on becoming an Elder. That's cool to hear that you take cooking classes, what type of foods do you cook? What's Mike doing? Tell him he can't sit and play Call of Duty all day. Tell him to start reading the Preach My Gospel Manual :) Well to sum things up, things are going really great here at the MTC, we're just sort of in "Limbo" right now waiting for our flight plans and information. It's really exciting!!! Well I've only got 40 sec left. I love you all!!!! Thanks for all the support and help!! Elder Bennett

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