Wednesday, June 15, 2011

From: Alex Bennett
To: "vicki bennett"
Date: Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 5:36 PM

Hello!!! Sorry the email is being sent a little later today. We had to go to Babylon for the last time today so Elder Krushinsky could get his stiches up and have a check up. It was pretty cool, we got to go into an Albertson's today. The other Elders in the shuttle were from Samoa, Tonga, etc. and they didn't speak the best english so they asked if we could go help them fill out a "money gram" in the service desk part of the store and talk to the employee so they could get the money they needed. Oh and about that entrance picture.... i don't know if they even have it any more, i'm pretty sure they took that sign down. We were going to the temple one time and we saw where the sign you're talking about could have been, there were white marks on the brick. So sorry i'm not able to get that one but i will take one by the map. I will send an SD card with more pictures on it, we'll take a lot when we have a little time these next couple days. It's just been soooooo busyyyyy!!!! We have to have a "test run" of total luggage weight thing done by tomorrow, so we've been frantically trying to pack when we have the time. Thanks for sending the money, now I don't have to go to an ATM :) So apparently President Peterson is not going to be our new mission president anymore, Elder Hoggan (he is related to him) got an email today from his family saying that it was changed. I believe it will be President Gibbons instead.

Flight plans: We will be leaving here at 5:00 am to head to the airport and our flight leaves at 8:30 am. We arrive at Atlanta at 2:20, then leave there at 3:20. We fly from Atlanta to Moscow and should arrive at 10:10 am. Leave Moscow at 10:50 pm (long lay-over) and arrive in Novosibirsk 5:30 am June 22. So to give you a time range of when i would be calling... from about 6:30 to 8:00 in the morning on the 20th. If i'm able to, i'll also call from Moscow during the lay-over time. It would be great if you could send me a list of phone numbers so i can call Shelly, Tim, and Jared as well.

Thanks for the pictures, the baby is adorable. Also thanks for getting Derek's address. I'm way excited to hear where Tanner is going, I just can't believe that we are all this old! It'll it great to head to head out to Russia, but it will be soooo weird! We've been here at the MTC for 10 weeks now, I can't believe it! Time really just goes by so fast. I'm just so grateful to be able to serve and have this great opportunity to learn and grow. It was sad knowing that today was the last time to go to the temple for 2 years, I'm going to miss it. I'll be sending a few things home here in the next couple days so just be prepared for that. I love you all, it will be great to be able to talk to you. It'll be much easier to let you know how things are over the phone. Well Da svidanya for now, Love Elder Bennett :)

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