Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How is everyone? Is it unbearably hot down in St. G? So much is happening there! Tim & Lindsey have a new baby, Jared and Krista are leaving, It's summer vacation for Mike, etc. It's crazy that we get our flight plans tomorrow! We've been here at the MTC FOREVER, but it seems like it's gone by really fast now that I look back. It's good that this shark movie came out while I was gone because I wouldn't have gone to see it, Uggghhhh, I'd let the shark finish me off, I wouldn't go back in the water! I might be sending stuff home like you mentioned, but I think I'll be pretty good on weight, we'll see. No, I did not get to see my comp's ganglion cyst surgery, I waited with his mom in the waiting room thing. I brought a KHURA MOPMOTLA and things to study with while I waited, but I talked to his mom quite a bit as well. Going to Babylon canbe exciting, but it loses it's touch. It will be much better to be able to see a little bit of the world and not be cooped up. We just went to the front desk, got on the shuttle, got out of the shuttle, went in the Utah Valley surgery place, got back on the shuttle, arrived at the MTC. Not as "fun" as we thought it would be, but it was nice to see "Wendy's" and other stores and stuff. I'll send my badges as soon as I can, I'm not making any promises, but I think I can send it on like next Saturday, but I'm not sure. Are you able to put pictures on my blog? Let Mary know that I'm grateful for the Reeses cookie things she sent, the other Elders think they are really good too. Have you found out Derek's mailing address yet? Anywho, I'll let you know how things are going in more detail when I call you in 12 days! I'll be great to hear from you. Let everyone know I apologize for not being able to keep up on letters. I love all of you soooooo much!

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