Monday, August 13, 2012

That's sure nice of Pres.Gibbons to write all of those nice things, he's a wonderful Mission President and individual. No accidents on the bike this week, proud to say. If you are familiar with Monsters Inc., when there is an accident on the Scare Floor and they have to reset their record of like 564 days or so with no problems to 0, that's how I feel now with the bike stuff, we'll see how far I can go without another one. Justin brought up giving the kids some father's blessings, it reminded me that we have given quite a few of those lately. Mainly for health issues, but also for comfort, what a blessing that, well... blessings are to us in our life :) Hardy was also telling me about how one of the people that I signed up at Summit is their family's good friend and was mentioning a boy that went to Russia, etc. which turned out to be me! What a small world. It's surprising I haven't gained weight with all this food but you know my super-human metabolism, I can live off of a blade of grass and Pop-tarts. We picked up a new investigator this week. We had dinner at a house and two of his friends and co-workers came over to eat and have a lesson. They are both pretty interested and want to learn more. For dinner the members picked us up and took us to the Cheesecake Factory, it was way good, I had fries in a cup, which I don't think I've ever had before... We're going to Boise today so Elder Hardy can get a new suit, I guess there's a Chick Fil A at the College, maybe I'll hit that up. We were able to help an investigator move some stuff into a U Haul and he had us over for dinner, he's makin some progress. The coolest guy ever, promised us that he and his family were going to church on Sunday, we were WAY excited, but I guess something came up. Hopefully next week for sure. It's way hard to get meetings with the summer!!! Everybody is gone! We mowed a lady's lawn again, we almost got attacked by this huge infestation of wasps in her backyard, Elder Hardy is terrified of them and snakes, as you know mine is sharks. Well we gotta get goin, love you guys, tell everyone I loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeee theeeeeeeem!!!!!!!!1 - Elder Bennett

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