Monday, October 3, 2011

So the other day we were teaching English Club and our topic was on Heroes. I asked everybody to come up with a super power, symbol, how they became one, etc. and one person came up with the best super hero name ever.... Suga Man! We asked him what that meant and he told us that the fats in his body could be turned into carbohydrates and he could eat all the chocolate he wanted and never get fat, sounds like a pretty good power to me! Im pretty lucky, Elder Kelly is pretty dang good at cooking so we've been able to make some tasty meals. I'll give you a quick run-down off the week. We had Leadership Training which was great, President Gibbons is amazing and has such a love and amazing insight for this mission. I love 'em to death, he is sooo cool! We haven't got to see conference yet, but it should be in about 2 weeks or so that we'll be able to. I'm really excited to see it! I agree with ya that it seems just like yesterday that we were watching it in April, it's crazy how time is! We had a Super Saturday here at the branch that we translated some trivia questions for a game, it was embarrassing to see that the younger kids knew way more about the bible than I did! This week was a special one because President Neuenschwander, current Patriarch and was president over the Europe East area, was in Novosibirsk so he was able to come to Leadership Training and the Fireside on Sunday. He is such an amazing man and is one of the men who primarily brought the Gospel into Novosibirsk. Now that the Office Elders have an area, we have been working on mapping out the area and finding members who we can work with, so it's been super busy! Thank you all for your love and your emails, I have loved reading them! Thank you so much for the pictures that you sent of the marathon and the Tuachan ones. Until next time!

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