Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011 1:51 AM

It's crazy this week with all of the travel :) We had two sisters that had migration trips and a group of elders who were leaving on visa trip this morning. We had 13 people total at our apartment last night! Most came on bus or were serving in the city, but there was a plane that came in at 9:25 last night that President Gushin and I went to and there was a train that was coming in at 12:35 in the morning that Elder Kelly and I took a taxi to get to. To sum it up, it's been a 'lil bit tiny crazy here lately, and it will only get more exciting next week with transfers. To answer some questions... no we do not fill up the washer with the shower hose, but we do have to put the club hose in the toilet when we wash stuff if that counts. Big news, we've had our first snow fall last week, right after I told you it was sunny and warm... It's still pretty nice though, just a little chilly in the mornings and nights. We got some "boots with da fur" on Friday . Thank you for your emails and the pictures they are great! - Love Elder

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