Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pentecostal Pinecones

August 15th!!! that it way early to start school! Last Friday we had splits with the Zone leaders, so I was with Elder Erickson. Right after "District" (our zone) meeting, we started the split and we had to be to a meeting with an investigator. She lived sort of far away so we took a van-bus thing called a "Marshootki" out to where she lives. We were in our work clothes because from what we heard, she needed some help with her potato farm and we were going to do some service. When we arrived, we gave her a call and she met us at the bus stop & lead us to her house. She has a huge family and a lot of grandkids. A huge meal was prepared on the table for us and it turned out that she didn't need help with the potatoes. So, we all ate the chicken strip things, potatoes, and ice cream dessert together. We showed pictures of our family and talked about their beliefs. They were Pentecostal and they knew the Bible like the back of their hands. So we had a discussion about Christ, the role of the Bible, and prophets. Everyone there was so nice and considerate. On our way out she gave us a whole bag of pinecones (we had no idea what we were supposed to do with them, thus the title of this email..) and some of the best jam that i've probably ever tasted. We had another meeting that day at a less actives house. It was on this months edition of the Liahona. It was funny because when we were going to leave, their dog, that was HUGE like lion size :) , was passed out by the door so we were trapped. He dragged it across the floor so we could get out and it was just a big fart that wouldn't move while he was sliding it around, it reminded me of moose's lazy days. Other news, I have a talk this sunday on actions of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, something along those lines. President Rolfe, sister Rolfe, the APs, and the office couple are coming to Tomsk on Saturday to do training, interviews, and to go to culture night with us which is.... a Futbol Game! I'm pretty excited, it will be awesome to see a Russian soccer game. Last Thursday we had an English Club party. We were in charge of cookies, we had to make A LOT, I think what we ended up with in the end was 114 or something like that, so a couple batches of snicker doodles and oatmeal ones. I was so proud, there were 2 college-age girls that even asked for the recipe, everyone loved them! I've still got it! :) Oh a story i just remembered about cookies... So we made some one day to take to Lyosha's place for family night. We had a good amount so we could have eaten a couple if we were hungry, so I was going to eat one and Elder Peterson said, "No, you can't eat 'em or there won't be enough for the thing tonight" so I resisted the temptation and started brushing me teeth so we could head out soon. Right as the toothpaste touched my tooth, Elder Peterson ran over to the cookie pot and ate 2!!!! I almost died! He was laughing so hard because he knows how much I love little snacks and treats to munch on and because I literally fell on the floor with a broken heart because I was going to have to wait to eat one until later. Maybe you just had to be there, but it was a big deal, and pretty funny. I had the story at English club last night, I told the one about how we were jumping over the tennis nets that one day and Mike pulled up the net and I pretended to be dead when Adam and his first-aid experienced self came to check me and I put my eyes in the back of my head and all the girls screamed. I of course explained and told it much better than that, but everyone loved it and thought it was really funny. You know how I am with a story :) Oh one bit of bad news, I dunno it's not that big of a deal, but there was a sign on the entrance of our apartment that said that our hot water would be turned off for 2 weeks, so that will be a fun... Anywho, thanks for everything, I'm sorry about the whole picture who-haw, I will figure out some way to get pictures to you, I'm sorry i cant give you a date that you'll get them or when I'll be able to send them, but I will find a way. Love you all, thank you sooo much for the support, it helps me out so much. Have a great week! -Love your little Russian :) -Elder Bennett

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