Tuesday, July 19, 2011

From Russia with Love part 2...Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:34 PM
From: "Alex Bennett" View contact detailsTo: "vicki bennett" , Bennett84321@yahoo.comPriviet Semya! Ya Loublou Vas! That's the closest Rushlish (russian english) that i can get to with the english alphabet to saying, "Hey Fam, I love you!" It's great to hear that you got a new router now that i'm gone!!! jk :) That's great to hear that Mike had a good experience on the trek, he got to have the best of both worlds: one with the Newton Gang and one trek with the St. G crew, let him know I miss him and his dang ET voice. I hope he's up to something productive and not playin' Call of Duty all day... but if he is, oh well it's summer. Im sure its hotter than Hades there right now, i hope you all don't look like carrots or human chicken strips when i get back :) its warm here with very cloudy skies, i think it'll probably rain, good thing i brought my Zonetick (umbrella). Hmmmm lets see.... really cool thing
happened this week. We've been having some meetings with a recent convert, Hatasha, she's such a great member. She is so willing to help us with missionary work and bring the gospel into her friends lives. We received 22 referrals from just her alone!!! It was amazing! There are so many other members that are working with us right now and it's great to get to know them better and make all of these friendships. We are also working with a couple other investigators at the moment. We have one that is pretty close to a baptismal date, i guess we'll see what she says next time we meet. Last P-day i did't get to tell you what we did. After emailing, Elder Peterson, Elder Haynes, Elder Erickson, and I went over to Sabeerski Blini to get a quick bite and decide what we were going to do next. We walked out of the place and i was finishing my food and 2 homeless guys come up to us and ask us if we would buy them food or give them money. As you know,
we're not allowed to do that, but i just felt terrible eating in front of them and they probably didn't think too much of us either, it's just something that a lot of people don't understand. So it was a little awkward, but they asked us if we had any preeglasheneye ("invitations") and they took the church brochures anyway so that was cool. We then went bowling, which i had no idea we could do, but it's a pretty popular P-day activity. I got probably the worst score ever in my life, it was so bad that im not even going to tell you.... i told them about how Mama would bowl a perfect 300 in Wii bowling all the time, they were pretty impressed. Ferretts are seen here and their on leashes, i want one when i get back. Oh, another sort of awkward moment, we were contacting last night and stopped a man and he talked to us, found out that he was a J-Dub and then from there it was a.. "well brothers, have a good one" and he walked off. We made some pretty
good cookies the other day. They were oatmeal- we had to make a trial-run baking of the recipe to get ready for this Thursday. We have an English Club party and Elder Peterson and I are in charge of cookies, hope the actual batches turn out ok.. A slightly drunk man (he was very friendly though) was walking and talking with us for a minute he said, "Oh your the mormons" and had some small talk and was asking us if we had seen some bowling movie with this Omish guy (he thought we were Omish) in it. We said no and he said, "Nooo, i'm pretty sure you have, all the mormons have seen this one." On Sunday i thought i was going to be writing my last journal entry, i ate a piece of sketch kinda moldy bread (nothing has preservatives here so stuff goes bad really fast) and realized it was that way after i ate it. But to my suprise, it caused no noticeable effects. Twitch, shake, Twitch. :) no everythings good. Ahhhh there is soooo much that happens in a
week! I could be on here for hours telling you stories. So i'll have some pretty good stories to tell you here and there. Oh haha funny story, so the other day Elder Peterson was looking through my Preach my Gospel manual and he went to the title page. He saw how it says "Billy Bennett" as my name. And he was like "WHHHAAAATTTT we've gone four weeks and you haven't told me this! It's like i don't even know you anymore! Biiiillllllyyyy, now i have to be all proper around you. As far as i know, everything else you've told me is a lie!" It was funny he was just making a big deal of it, and still is. :) Oh it was cool, on Sunday Brat Boareese gave the lesson and i understood most of it! Russian is still kinda kicking my bum right now, but its getting better everyday. I know that Heavenly Father blesses me so much everyday. I have seen so many miracles and blessings on my mission already. I'm so very grateful for Him and all he has done for me. I
hope that everything is going great for everyone, tell everybody i say hello. I found out that one of the Elders has a SD card adapter for his camera so hopefully i'll be able to send a few pictures through email next time. Well, love you, talk to ya later! - Elder Bennett

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