Monday, July 15, 2013

July 8th, 2013 Well as you know I am now in good ol' Burley, I will probably finish my mission considering that I have 2-3 more rounds left. Apparently I'm supposed to get a call from President Curtis here pretty soon where we discuss departure dates and I receive my "Pre-trunks" in the mail (some forms I need to fill out or something of that nature). David and Lorri are awesome, it'd be so fun If I could jump on that Marketing/Sales team again while I'm goin' to school, we'll tear it up. I thought I did tell you about that last Missionary Leadership Council with President Cannon, oh well, anyway, so they usually end at 2:00 or so and it ended at 4:00 if you get the drift. It was hard to see them go and there were a lot of wet eyes, but the work goes on and I'll see him again one of these days here soon. The reason we don't have backpacks anymore they look unprofessional and the elude the impression that you could be carrying a lot of valuable items, a bomb, or maybe a small animal. Plus, I even like my other bag better now that I've been giving it a shot. I can't remember those definitions for Dagon, but all I know is that they were all pretty dang hilarious and convincing. When is Jake going to be baptized? Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKIE!!! HOPE YOU HAD A WAY AWESOME DAY! Speaking of baptism,we have a investigator who we have been teaching and is GOLDEN, very close to or as much said that he would like me to baptize him, which is an honor that'll be way cool. I got in touch with the Italiano in me this past week as we went to Maxies with Elders Steimle, Risley, and Narvaez, Bro.Hayes, who owns it let us make our own personal pizzas and garlic bread, it takes sooo much better when you made it. The Rules were so awesome, loved them. It was a very cool privilege that we had as Zone Leaders (& Sister Leader Trainers, new) to actually set the vision, culture statement, and goals for the new mission, pretty unique, not a ton of the 70,000 or so missionaries have had that opportunity, so I feel honored. The Twin Zone did wonderful, I feel like a Papa Smurf to all of them. I had a lot of really nice comments from everyone on how they would REALLY miss me and that it would be hard to see me go. At least I can see them at mission stuff and P-days. I'm also in the same Zone as Elder Johnson, one of my favorite missionaries so that's cool. This morning we worked out in the basement of this member's place where they have their own gym. One of their boys just got back from the Vladivostok mission last month and we were able to chat for a bit in Russian, he says that, "I well speak" which in English grammar means "You speak well" :) For the 4th we had breakfast with the 5th ward, there was this guy that went on a mission, returned home, and sought out Anti stuff and such and is now not active in any way. He was talking to us and I had a "not being confounded before men" moment when he asked a question, I gave a response, and he was like "Good point, good point, I agree with that" and he didn't ask us any more. We had a great Zone meeting, each District Leader presented some training in it and I received a lot of positive feedback, it turned out really good, I can attach the Zone Vision that we made. Had a Last Supper with the Richmans on Sunday, it was fun to be with 'em again. We had potatoes, pork-chops, heavenly rolls, and this way good Smuckers lemonade. Well I guess that's about it from me this week, hope you all had a good one in the Brick Oven, more like Red Rock Oven that is St. Geezy. I do like that there is minimal humidity there. Have a good one! -Love Elder Bennett

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