Monday, September 19, 2011

I did get all of those postcards, thank you very much, they are beautiful. I also sent you some things as well.... Since it was your birthday and all :) I sent two packages for you, one of them (the heavier one) is going to be coming a little later (probably Sept. 28th or so) because it would have been a ton of money to sent that one by priority ( But that will be even more fun that you have something to look forward to the next couple of days :) Hope you had a wonderful day and that your birthday was as magical as Finnish chocolate. Finland was amazing!!! The crazy thing about going there is that everyone speaks English! Well, for the most part, which made it a little easier to find out where we needed to be and where to go. We were so lucky though, after we got our passports taken care of at the temple, which was closed for cleaning this time around, :( We took a bus to "Leppavara" Station and when we got off, there was a guy that stopped us and told us that we looked like we were very confused and let us know that he served his mission in Finland and was living there for work and school, oh and his wife was Finnish too. Oh how grateful we were for that! His name was Brother Marriott and he was sooo helpful and cool. He helped us get to the Stadion Hostel where we were staying and introduced us to Finnish Yogurt which is probably one of the best creations ever made! I don't know what we would have done without him! I'm pretty sure that Dr. Gunnell served there didn't he? In short, Finland was everything I've ever dreamed of, and it was great because on the flights back, i was able to have a long conversation with some Russians and it was great to get to meet them. Things are pretty crazy right now with the new responsibility of Office Elder to say the least. Busy, busy, busy, is all I can say. The most busy I have ever been in my whole life! Everything is very new to me still and I am doing my best to get adjusted, I don't know, crazy is the only word I can come up with right now :) How is the family though?! Sounds like Mike is still Mike changing his bike and all, hope he's loving his high school experience. Well I am very sorry for sending this very short message but that's about all I have time for today. Thank you for your prayers and your support, have a great week!

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