Sunday, April 10, 2011

4/8/2011 Dear Family, For starters, I would like to let you know how much I love you! I miss you very, very, much. We are very busy this week,and don't have much personal time. They say that the first week can be a little weird or overwhelming. But even if the schedule is kinda crazy right now, you can really feel the spirit so strongly here, there are so many valiant missionaries here! The bar has definately been raised. It's a comfort to me that I have all of you as such great support to me as I carry out these two years as a missionary. Don't worry to much, things are going great and I love my companion and my district! My comp's name is Elder Krushinsky and he is from Provo. He is very positive and easy to get along with, I'm glad to be serving with him and the other Elders. Well, I'm sorry if this is short and doesn't tell you much, I'll e-mail you on Tuesday, I'm just letting you know I'm alive and doing well. Heavenly Father is watching over me and is helping me get over my feelings of inadequacy. I'm very eager to see what happens in the next few days. Like I said, I'll tell you more later, Peace N Blessings :) Love Elder Bennett

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