Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Yeah, it has been a pretty crazy week to say the least! We have had transfers which means a lot of taxis, buses, and trains. I took a bus from Novo to Barnaul on Saturday, it's about a 4 and a half hour ride, so not too bad at all. It feels so weird to be out of the office! We had church services yesterday and there are so many great members in the branch and some of them already have a liking to me in a way because Elder Peterson, my trainer, served there for a very long time and they all love him. The zone leaders have a conference to go to this weekend so they wont be able to make it to the Musical Event this weekend at the branch so i have to take one of their spots and sing a solo! Talk about scary! I'm not sure who wrote the song but its called "My Way", don't quote me on this but I think it might be Frank Sonatra, not sure. So we'll see how that goes. At the moment its snowing and Im just so glad that I have my boots and my coat (it has fur and looks really cool). I told Elder Fitzgerald that if I slip and fall (which both of us almost did about 100 times on our way over here) that i'm just going to lay there and soak up the embarrassment. I miss you all and love you very much!